Thursday, August 11, 2011

Those pesky theives

Have you been robbed of your merchandise or haven't been paid for some borrowed merchandise?
There isn't much you can do without using violence. Violence is essential into striking fear into these people. It may be the only way. To avoid these problems don't get caught up in it in the first place. Stick with people you really know. Not a friend of so and so. If you truly know them, the chance of being robbed is significantly decreased. Also the chances of dealing with a narc is decreased.
Make it your priority not to let people borrow merchandise on tab. If they don't have the adequate funds, they don't get anything until they have the cash. If they don't have the funds in the first place, it may be an obvious sign that it will be difficult for them to acquire it. This is true for most but not your most trusted friends that always pay their tab. If you think about it, you are in fact losing business. Keep tabs on who pays up and who doesn't.

Do you have a job?

I know its difficult to have a job at the moment but it's worth searching for. Most people are picky about the job they want and even more pickier about what the pay is. We all have to start somewhere and can't spend our lives selling illegal narcotics. (Do it on the side) If you have a job your income will look legitimate.
If uncle Sam asks where you got your money, you have your job to prove it. Big time players have to watch how much money the deposit into their account. If you deposit more than a thousand in the bank at once, a report is generated to try and find out where the funds are coming from. Limit it to under that amount and separate your deposits into smaller transactions.
If you can't get the job interview right, here are a few suggestions. Comment and add more if you know some.
1. Shake the bosses hand firmly to show that you are a hard worker.
2. Dress neatly and in proper attire. Look professional and don't shower in fragrances.
3. Arrive to your interview 15 minutes early. Show that you will be on time to work.
4. Have a resume ready. There are easy templates online where you only have to fill in the blanks.
5. Study up on the job. Know what you will be doing and emphasize your interview on what the job consists of.
6. Don't dawdle and fidget. Look your interviewer in the eye and respond promptly to questions. Don't start your response with "Umm".
7. Avoid using "like" and such words. You need to appear educated and professional.
8. Sell yourself. Make every trait of yours great and vital to the job.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


What type of car do you drive? what type of car would you wish to drive?
I prefer a sports car, even if its a coupe. They are light weight, fast, agile, and usually don't waste a lot of gas during regular commuting. Usually sports cars are sleek and sexy.
Plus I wouldn't like a large SUV. I don't like filling it up with the whole soccer team. And spending around fifty dollars just to fill the tank. I would like a small 6 cylinder SUV for off road excursions.That's the only reason I would get one.
If I absolutely had to take 6 or more people with me then a mini van would be adequate. I still wouldn't buy one but renting is more appropriate.
If only I had the funds to buy all these sports cars, and a range rover. Comment on this and tell me what you drive.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Higher Education

To me it seems like most of my friends are sitting around doing nothing. Every bodies complaint is that they don't have the adequate funds for school. If you do have some money saved up, take advantage of your neighborhood community college. They offer inexpensive courses with small class sizes. I work part time and also go to school part time. It may take me a few years, but I will get a career out of it.
There are also lots of people that do get a degree, but are stuck with a lousy job. That's why you must pick a career that has real job opportunities. There are vast amounts of degrees and job opportunities along with them. Do some research, you can find what job and income level fits you. It doesn't matter how old you are, you can always go back to school. Its never too late.